Oroson is now a part of MarkUp
Find out moreWe are always looking for ways to improve your experience when using Oroson. So we have made a few changes…
At Oroson, we are all about keeping it visual. When you log in to Oroson, you will now land on the new global dashboard. This makes it easier to navigate around the platform and access important information.
To return to this dashboard from within your workspaces or boards, just select the workspace name at the top left of your screen and choose ‘Return to Dashboard’.
Removal of My Oroson Personal Workspace
Our approach is based around bringing your work together. Over time, we have learned that Oroson is most useful when people use it as part of a group or team. A workspace that team members belong to is central to this.
Users who only create personal boards in Oroson which don’t belong to any team workspaces don’t get the same experience.
We realized that the personal workspace goes against that idea. If anything it creates division in our workspaces and was causing confusion too when new users joined. So for that reason, we have simplified this by removing the personal workspace.
Any of your existing content from your My Oroson personal workspace is of course still available.
If you were using this workspace, it will be renamed to your own name. You will also still have access to any other personal workspaces you were invited to. These workspaces will also be renamed to the owners name.
Remember, if you want to keep some of your content private, you can still create your own workspace and just don’t invite members to it.
No more time limits on our free trial
The feedback we have received from new users was that they and their teams weren’t always able to experience the full benefits of Oroson in 30 days. For example, some teams were trialing Oroson on a project that took longer than this time limit.
To overcome this, we have moved to item based billing. This means that instead of users being restricted to using Oroson for free for 30 days, workspaces now have 250 free items to be added before the monthly/annual fee applies.
This change allows users the time they need to experience the value of Oroson.
Integrations are here!
To bring your existing tools closer together and streamline workflows, even more, we are very excited to announce the launch of our first integrations!
Oroson now integrates with Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, creating a smart link to your content. Add integrations to your board from the ‘add a new item’ board menu.
We know this is something many of our customers have been eagerly anticipating so we hope you all enjoy this new feature.
There’ll be another blog to follow on these and other forthcoming integrations… Keep an eye on your global dashboard for more updates!
We hope you like the new updates.
There’s quite a lot covered in this summary so if you have any questions, please let us know info@oroson.co.uk